Performance Management Updates

LATEST/ The CRTPA adopted its annual safety targets at its February 19, 2024 meeting (to view the safety target presentation, click here).  On May 22, 2023, the CRTPA adopted updated performance targets for PM2, PM3, & Transit Asset Management.

CRTPA ADOPTED TPMs/As the transportation planning agency for the capital region, the CRTPA is required to meet transportation performance management and target setting mandates consistent with federal mandates (described below).  These mandates include addressing the three (3) FHWA performance measures as well as the two (2) FTA transit related requirements.  The following provides a summary of the CRTPA’s adopted performance measures and related targets:

CRTPA Adopted Transportation Performance Measures
Transportation Performance Measure Adopted Target Date Adopted Resolution/Agenda
Highway Safety (PM1)
•   Fatalities
•   Serious Injuries
•   Fatalities Rate
•   Serious Injuries Rate
•   Non-Motorized Fatalities & Serious Injuries
 02/19/2024 2024 Resolution

Agenda item


Bridge & Pavement (PM2)  Support State Targets  05/2023 Agenda item
System Performance & Freight Movement (PM3)  Support State Targets  05/2023 Agenda item
Transit Asset Management  Support StarMetro Targets  05/2023 Agenda item
Transit Safety   Support StarMetro Targets  05/2021 #2021-05-6A

Agenda item

BACKGROUND/ Performance management provides a strategic approach to connect investment and policy decisions to help achieve performance goals.  Performance measures are quantitative criteria used to evaluate progress.  Performance measure targets are the benchmarks against which progress is assessed using available data.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) more fully defines Transportation Performance Management as “a strategic approach that uses system information to make investment and policy decisions to achieve national performance goals.  Transportation Performance Management:

  • Is systematically applied, a regular ongoing process
  • Provides key information to help decision makers to understand the consequences of investment decisions across transportation assets or modes
  • Improving communications between decision makers, stakeholders and the traveling public
  • Ensuring targets and measures are developed in cooperative partnerships and based on data and objective information”

Performance-based planning ensures efficient investment of transportation funds by increasing accountability, providing transparency, and linking investment decisions to key outcomes related to seven (7) national goals:

  • Improving safety;
  • Maintaining infrastructure condition;
  • Reducing traffic congestion;
  • System reliability;
  • Freight movement and economic vitality;
  • Protecting the environment; and
  • Reducing delays in project delivery.

REQUIREMENTS/The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21, signed into law by President Obama in July 6, 2012) requires state departments of transportation (DOT) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), such as the CRTPA, conduct performance-based planning in seven (7) areas: safety, pavement condition, highway performance, bridge condition, freight movement, traffic congestion, and on-road mobile sources.

The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act supplemented MAP-21 through the establishment of timelines for state DOTs and MPOs to comply with the requirements of MAP-21. Relatedly, the FHWA and Federal Transit Agency (FTA) issued a Planning Rule to document changes in the statewide and metropolitan planning processes related to MAP-21 and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.

Associated with the Planning Rule was the establishment of three FHWA performance measures (PM) rules and the FTA transit asset management and transit safety rules to assess roadway safety (PM1), pavement and bridge condition (PM2), system performance and freight movement (PM3), transit asset management (TAM), and transit safety. The Planning Rule and the performance measures rules also specify how MPOs (like the CRTPA) should set targets, report performance, and integrate performance management into their Long-Range Transportation Plans (LRTP) and Transportation Improvement Programs (TIP).  To learn more, click here

With regards to coordination at the state level, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and MPOs must coordinate when selecting PM1, PM2, and PM3 performance targets, and public transportation providers must coordinate with states and MPOs in the selection of state and MPO transit asset management and transit safety performance targets.  Associated with these requirements, the FDOT and the Florida Metropolitan Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) developed the TPM Consensus Planning Document to describe the processes through which FDOT, the MPOs, and the providers of public transportation in MPO planning areas will cooperatively develop and share information related to transportation performance management and target setting.  The CRTPA formally adopted the TPM Consensus Document at its May 19, 2020 meeting.

The following provides more detail related to the performance measures and statewide targets that have been established by the FDOT:

  • Safety. Florida shares the national traffic safety vision “Toward Zero Deaths,” and formally adopted its own version of the national vision, “Driving Down Fatalities,” in 2012. FDOT and its traffic safety partners are committed to eliminating fatalities and reducing serious injuries with the understanding that the death of any person is unacceptable and based on that, zero is the target for all the safety performance measures. To learn more about the Florida State Safety Office including the Florida Strategic Highway State Safety Plan, click here.
  • Pavement Condition. The pavement condition performance measures assess pavement conditions based on the international roughness index (IRI), cracking, rutting (for asphalt pavements), and faulting (for jointed concrete pavements). For asphalt and jointed concrete pavements, a 0.1-mile segment is considered in good condition if all three metrics are rated Good; if two or more metrics are considered poor, the condition is Poor. The federal rule requires a new methodology be used to measure rut depth and cracking that has not been historically used by FDOT. In consideration of the differences in the data collection requirements used by FDOT and those mandated by the rule, as well as other unknowns associated with the new required processes, initial 2- and 4-year targets were established.
  • Bridge Condition. The bridge condition performance measures for the percent of deck area classified as Good and Poor is determined using National Bridge Inventory (NBI) condition ratings for deck, superstructure, substructure, and culvert. Condition is determined by the lowest rating of these items using a scale of 1 to 9. If the NBI rating is 1 to 4, the bridge is classified as Poor; NBI rating 7 to 9, the bridge is Good. Bridges rated below 7 but above 4 are classified Fair; however, there is no related Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) performance measure associated with that rating. Considering the differences in criteria, initial 2-and 4-year targets were established.
  • System Performance. The travel time reliability metric is calculated for each segment of the National Highway System (NHS), weighted by volume and occupancy. Data is collected in 15-minute segments during four total time periods and is reported as the “percent of reliable person-miles traveled.” The segment is considered reliable if the reliability ratio is below 1.50 during all time periods. Freight movement is assessed by calculating truck travel time reliability ratio using data from five total time periods. The higher the ratio value, the less reliable the segment.


(PM 1) Highway Safety Measures/Safety is the first national goal identified in the FAST Act.  In March of 2016, the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and Safety Performance Management Measures Rule (Safety PM Rule) was finalized and published in the Federal Register.  The rule requires MPOs to set targets for the following safety-related performance measures and report progress to the State DOT:

  • Fatalities;
  • Serious Injuries;
  • Nonmotorized Fatalities and Serious Injuries;
  • Rate of Fatalities per 100M Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT); and
  • Rate of Serious Injuries per 100M VMT.

In February 2018, the CRTPA first adopted safety targets and performance measures (the CRTPA is required to annually update this information).  Most recently, on February 28, 2023, the CRTPA adopted targets that applied a five (5) percent reduction factor from the targets adopted in 2022.  Additionally, the agency adopted a long-term safety goal of zero fatalities and serious injuries for the CRTPA region to be achieved by 2040  as the CRTPA works towards reducing serious injuries and fatalities on the region’s roadway.

The CRTPA is furthering safety through a number of effort including the following safety programs and policies:

  • CRTPA/FDOT annual funding commitment ($500,000) to the Tallahassee Regional Traffic Management Center for operations and traffic maintenance;
  • Development of an update to the CRTPA Congestion Management Process Report containing a strong safety component (scheduled for adoption in Fall 2023);
  • Safety coordination meetings held with FDOT District 3 in concert with local partners that identify and discuss safety issues;
  • Safety review of resurfacing projects in concert with FDOT and local transportation partners, identifying opportunities for inclusion of safety improvements in near-term resurfacing projects;
  • CRTPA Urban Attributable (SU) funding guidance, adopted in November 2017, identifying explicit funding for safety projects, and active agency implementation of pedestrian safety projects utilizing such funds;
  • Annual development and adoption of the Transportation Systems Management & Safety Priority Project List that includes a number of pedestrian safety projects for which the agency is seeking funding;
  • Implementation of infrastructure projects that improve regional safety including addition of enhanced lighting at key intersections to improvement pedestrian safety and access management improvements to address roadway safety;
  • CRTPA website focus on transportation performance management in detail.  This information includes a background on the TPM requirements of the agency, the latest information related to the CRTPA’s adoption of measures, and information related to how the agency is actively seeking to achieve its adopted measures: ;
  • Continued focus on bicycle and pedestrian safety through funding and implementation of regional trail  projects and participation in regional bike month events.

(PM 2) Pavement and Bridge Conditions/In December 2022, FDOT established updated statewide performance targets for the pavement and bridge measures.  MPOs are required to set four-year targets for all six performance measures for Bridge and Pavement Conditions and on May 22, 2023 the CRTPA adopted the updated statewide targets shown below:

CRTPA Adopted Pavement & Bridge Condition Measures 2025 Target
% of Interstate pavements in GOOD condition 60.00%
% of Interstate pavements in POOR condition 5.00%
% of non-Interstate NHS pavements in GOOD condition 40.00%
% of non-Interstate NHS pavements in POOR condition 5.00%
Percent of NHS bridges by deck area in GOOD condition 50.00 %
Percent of NHS bridges by deck area in POOR condition        10.00%

The focus of CRTPA’s investments in bridge and pavement condition related to system preservation/maintenance on the Interstate and non-Interstate NHS in the capital region include:

  • Pavement replacement or reconstruction (on the NHS) projects contained within the Resurfacing section of the CRTPA Transportation Improvement Program (TIP);
  • New lanes or widenings of NHS facilities, including resurfacing existing NHS lanes associated with new capacity projects contained within the CRTPA TIP;
  • Bridge replacement or reconstruction projects funded within the agency’s TIP;
  • New bridge capacity projects as identified in the Bridge section of the CRTPA TIP;

(PM 3) System Performance and Freight Movement/In December 2022, FDOT updated the 2 & 4 year statewide performance targets for the system performance measures.  Relatedly, the CRTPA was required to set updated four-year targets for all three performance measures for Level of Travel Time Reliability (LOTTR) and Truck Travel Time Reliability index (TTTR) no later than June 14, 2023 and, on May 22, 2023, the CRTPA adopted the following statewide targets as adopted by FDOT thus agreeing to plan and program projects in the agency’s TIP that once implemented, are anticipated to make progress toward achieving the statewide targets.

     CRTPA Adopted System & Freight Performance Measures

2025 Target
% of person-miles on the Interstate system that are reliable (Interstate LOTTR) 70.00%
% of person-miles on the non-Interstate NHS that are reliable (Non-Interstate NHS LOTTR) 50.00%
Truck travel time reliability (TTTR) 2.00

The CRTPA TIP reflects investment priorities established in the CRTPA 2040 Regional Mobility Plan (RMP).  The focus of CRTPA’s investments that address system performance and freight include

  • Corridor improvements such as project development activities associated with widening of Capital Circle, Southwest and Orange Avenue identified in the CRTPA TIP;
  • Intersection improvements identified in the Transportation Systems Management section of the TIP including funding for the maintenance of traffic signals
  • Investments in transit, bicycle, or pedestrian systems that promote mode shift such as the extensive funding of the multiuse Coastal Trail along US 98 as well as transit operating and capital funding identified in the TIP;
  • TSMO/ITS projects or programs such as annual funding provided to the Tallahassee Advanced Traffic Management System (TATMS), the regional traffic management center identified in the Transportation Systems Management section of the CRTPA TIP.

Transit Asset Performance Measures/ On July 26, 2016, FTA published the final Transit Asset Management rule. This rule applies to all recipients and subrecipients of Federal transit funding that own, operate, or manage public transportation capital assets. The rule defines the term “state of good repair,” requires that public transportation providers develop and implement transit asset management (TAM) plans and establishes state of good repair standards and performance measures for four asset categories: equipment, rolling stock, transit infrastructure, and facilities.

The CRTPA region is served by one (1) Tier I transit service provider: StarMetro (City of Tallahassee) and two (2) Tier II providers: Big Bend Transit, Inc. and Wakulla Senior Citizens Council, Inc.  The CRTPA’s Tier II providers participate in the group TAM plan developed by the FDOT Public Transit Office in Tallahassee.  On September 18, 2018, the CRTPA agreed to support StarMetro’s transit asset management targets, thus agreeing to plan and program projects in the TIP that, once implemented, are anticipated to make progress toward achieving the transit provider targets.  NOTE: More detailed information related to the adopted transit access performance measures within the CRTPA region is provided within the Executive Summary of the CRTPA TIP (specifically, under  the “Performance Management” discussion within the document’s Executive Summary).

Transit Safety Performance/The FTA published a final Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) rule and related performance measures as authorized by Section 20021 of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP– 21). The PTAAP rule requires operators of public transportation systems that receive federal financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 to develop and implement a PTASP based on a safety management systems approach. Development and implementation of PTSAPs is anticipated to help ensure that public transportation systems are safe nationwide. The transit agency sets targets in the PTASP based on the safety performance measures established in the National Public Transportation Safety Plan (NPTSP). The required transit safety performance measures are:

· Total number of reportable fatalities.
· Rate of reportable fatalities per total vehicle revenue miles by mode.
· Total number of reportable injuries.
· Rate of reportable injuries per total vehicle revenue miles by mode.
· Total number of reportable safety events.
· Rate of reportable events per total vehicle revenue miles by mode.
· System reliability – Mean distance between major mechanical failures by mode.

On May 18, 2021, the CRTPA agreed to support the safety targets established by StarMetro as included within that agency’s PTASP through the adoption of a supporting resolution.

MORE INFORMATION?/ Want to learn more about TPM or how you may get involved?  Contact Greg Burke at  To add a comment, please click here.

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