September 29, 2021 CRTPA Executive Committee Meeting

Event Details

  1. Call To Order and Roll Call
  2. Agenda Modifications
  3. Consent Agenda
    1. Minutes of the August 24 Executive CommitteeAgenda Item
  4. CRTPA Executive Committee Action

    The public is welcome to comment on any discussion item after a motion has been made and seconded.  Each member of the public is provided three (3) minutes to address the CRTPA Executive Committee.

    1. Supplemental ServicesAgenda Item

      This item seeks Executive Committee approval to increase the task work order amount of Phase II of the Thomasville Road Multi-Use Path Feasibility Study.  This increase is related to additional project efforts including expanded public outreach as well as a safety review requested by the Board at the September 13 meeting.

    2. Executive Director Expenditure ApprovalAgenda Item

      This item seeks Executive Committee direction related to increasing the threshold of expenditures for which the Executive Director has approval authority as contained within the CRTPA’s Bylaws.

  5. CRTPA Citizen Comment

    This portion of the agenda is provided to allow for citizen input on any CRTPA issue. Those interested in addressing the CRTPA Executive Committee should complete a speaker request form located at the rear of the meeting room.  Speakers are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes.

  6. Executive Director’s Report
  7. Items From CRTPA Board Members

    This portion of the agenda is provided to allow CRTPA Executive Committee members an opportunity to discuss and request action on items and issues relevant to the CRTPA, as appropriate.

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