CRTPA Federally Obligated Projects

The CRTPA is mandated by Section 134 of Title 23, United State Code to publish the annual listing of projects for which federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year. To view the most recent CRTPA annual listing of federal obligations, please click here.

As a background, federal funds are obligated to transportation projects through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA and Federal Transit Administration (FTA)). According to FHWA definition, an obligation is a legal commitment: the Federal government’s promise to pay a State for the Federal share of a project’s eligible cost. For a project funded by FHWA funds, this commitment occurs when FHWA approves the project and executes the project agreement. For a project funded by FTA funds, this commitment occurs at the time the FTA grant is awarded. Alternatively, funding can also be “de-obligated”. A de-obligation means money previously obligated is removed from the project to reflect changes to the project cost, delay, or cancellation.


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