Citizens Multimodal Advisory Committee (CMAC)
The Citizens Multimodal Advisory Committee is comprised of individuals in the community and includes representatives of various agencies and transportation interests. Members of this committee must reside within and/or represent agencies/special interests that focus on the interests of the CRTPA planning area. The committee’s purpose is to provide comment and guidance to the CRTPA Board on transportation planning and policy issues. The charge of the CMAC is to reflect a broad cross-section of residents within the CRTPA areas representing a wide variety of interests and special needs. Members must also be interested in the development of an integrated, safe, efficient and cost-effective transportation network for all users. Special interests to be represented include child/youth advocates, minorities, off-road cyclists, pedestrians, persons with disabilities, road bicyclists, senior citizens, students, transit riders and the transportation disadvantaged.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is the CRTPA’s technical committee and is comprised of local and state planners and engineers with expertise in the area of transportation planning, engineering or management. The TAC provides technical reviews of CRTPA plans, programs, and projects and makes recommendations as to their need, feasibility, technical accuracy and consistency with local, state and regional plans, programs and projects. The TAC assists the CRTPA in carrying out the CRTPA’s planning function through recommendations on various transportation issues.
For more information regarding the CRTPA’s committees, please contact 850-891-8630.