Take the Safe Route – Safe Access to School Study

The Latest/ A project update on the “Take the Safe Route – Safe Access to School Study” occurred at the May 2024 CRTPA Board meeting (click here to view the presentation).  The study is anticipated to be completed in early 2025.

In late 2023, the CRTPA embarked on a targeted and data-driven school safety study (“Take the Safe Route – Safe Access to School Study”) with the aim of enhancing walking and biking safety for students in the CRTPA region. The study will provide recommendations for walking and biking improvements, specifically targeting schools identified as having the greatest need.

The study is divided into two phases, with Phase 1 focusing on a comprehensive data analysis of the region’s schools (elementary, middle, and high schools). This phase involves key steps such as stakeholder meetings, data collection, desktop analysis, and a prioritization process. It culminates in the identification of ten (10) schools earmarked for further evaluation due to their need for biking and walking capital improvements.

Phase 2 of the study was recently initiated and will provide a focused safety and accessibility analysis for the recommended schools in Phase 1. This analysis includes on-site visits and an inventory of the existing facilities and infrastructure at the selected schools. The assessments will consider sidewalk gaps, crosswalk/intersection improvements, lighting, bicycle facilities and off-road trails. This phase also includes a student and parent survey for each of the identified schools.

For more information on this project, click here.


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