- Agenda Package (PDF)
- Agenda Package (BoardDocs)
- Call To Order and Roll Call
- Agenda Modifications
- Consent Agenda
- Minutes of the January 16 Meeting
- Final CRTPA Public Involvement Process Plan
- CRTPA Safety Measures
- Intergovernmental Coordination and Review and Public Transportation Coordination Joint Participation Agreement (ICAR)
- Consent Items Pulled For Discussion
- Roll Call Vote Agenda Items
- Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 – FY 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment
The CRTPA FY 2018 – FY 2022 TIP is proposed to be amended to reflect the following:
• CR 159 over Attapulgus Creek Bridge No. 500033 (Project #4286241): Add funding for the construction of a new bridge (Gadsden County)
• SR 61 (Crawfordville Rd (US 319) from Shelfer Rd to SR 61A Gaile Ave/Ridge Rd (Project #4395762): Add construction funding in FY 2018 to add new roadway lighting at all existing signalized intersections (Leon County)
• SR 363 (Adams St) from Paul Russell Rd to FAMU Way (Project #4395782): Add construction funding in FY 2018 to add new roadway lighting at all existing signalized intersections (Leon County)
• SR 371 (Lake Bradford Rd) from Levy Ave to Jackson Bluff Rd (Project #4395802): Add construction funding in FY 2018 to add new roadway lighting at all existing signalized intersections (Leon County)Recommended Action: Approve amendment by roll call vote
- Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 – FY 2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment
- CRTPA Action
The public is welcome to comment on any discussion item after a motion has been made and seconded. Each member of the public is provided three (3) minutes to address the CRTPA.
- CRTPA Board Weighted Voting
At the January 16 CRTPA meeting, members discussed the weighted vote of the governing board and requested that the item be brought back to the Board for discussion.
- Midtown Area Transportation Plan
The Midtown Area Transportation Plan, providing a technical analysis of transportation options in the Midtown area of Tallahassee, has been developed for Board review.
- CRTPA Board Weighted Voting
- Florida Department Of Transportation Report
- Executive Director’s Report
- CRTPA Information
- Correspondence
- Future Meeting Dates
- Committee Actions (Citizen’s Multimodal Advisory Committee & Technical Advisory Committee)
- CRTPA Citizen Comment
This portion of the agenda is provided to allow for citizen input on any CRTPA issue. Those interested in addressing the CRTPA should complete a speaker request form located at the rear of the meeting room. Speakers are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes.
- Items From CRTPA Board Members
This portion of the agenda is provided to allow members an opportunity to discuss and request action on items and issues relevant to the CRTPA, as appropriate.