March 5, 2024 TAC Meeting

Event Details

TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2024 AT 9:00 AM


Citizens wishing to provide input at the TAC meeting may:

  • Provide comments in person at the meeting. Speakers are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes; or
  • Submit written comments prior to the meeting at by providing comments in the “Email Us” portion of the page before 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 4. This will allow time for comments to be provided to committee members in advance of the meeting. Comments submitted after this time (up to the time of the meeting) will be accepted and included in the official record of the meeting.
  1. Agenda Modifications
  2. Public Comment on Unagendaed Items

    This portion of the agenda is provided to allow for public input on general CRTPA issues that are not included on the meeting’s agenda.  Those interested in addressing the Committee are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes.

  3. Consent Agenda
    1. Minutes of the February 6, 2024 TAC MeetingAgenda Item
    2. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) AmendmentAgenda Item
  4. Consent Items Pulled For Discussion
  5. Committee Presentation/Discussion/Action

    The public is welcome to comment on any discussion item after a motion has been made and seconded.  Each member of the public is provided three (3) minutes to address the Committee.

    1. CRTPA Regional Freight StudyAgenda Item

      This item seeks approval of the CRTPA Regional Freight Study which provides an analysis of existing conditions, future conditions, and recommended actions.

      RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the CRTPA approve the CRTPA Regional Freight Study.


    2. Congestion Management PlanAgenda Item

      This item seeks approval of the update to the CRTPA’s Congestion Management Plan.  The CMP evaluates current congestion and safety in the CRTPA region and includes an analysis of strategies to address identified issues.

      RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the CRTPA approve the Congestion Management Plan.  

  6. Information
    1. Future Meeting DatesAgenda Item
  7. Items From Committee Members or Staff
  8. Adjournment
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