Adopted on October 19, 2020, the Midtown Area Transportation Plan identifies improvements to the transportation network to enhance Midtown’s mobility. The project was developed in two phases with Phase I providing a traffic operations study to gain a better...
INTRODUCTION The Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency (CRTPA) and Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency (BP) partnered to conduct the Southwest Area Transportation Plan (SATP). This Plan assessed several corridors in Southwest Tallahassee/Leon County to develop...
The Town of Havana Main Street Assessment was approved by the CRTPA on February 18, 2020 and was developed to evaluate the feasibility of reducing travel on US 27 through downtown Havana (between Ninth and Fifth avenues).
The Pensacola Street Operational Analysis was developed to identify current and future conditions along this corridor that has been identified for future capacity improvements. The report was approved by the CRTPA at its February 19, 2019 meeting and identifies...
The Tharpe Street Operational Analysis was developed to identify potential improvements to the corridor to improve mobility and efficiency. The report was approved by the CRTPA at its February 19, 2019 meeting. Download...