Citizens wishing to provide input at the CRTPA meeting may:
- Provide comments in person at the meeting. Speakers are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes; or
- Submit written comments prior to the meeting at by providing comments in the “Email Us” portion of the page before 5:00 p.m. on May 17. This will allow time for comments to be provided to CRTPA members in advance of the meeting. Comments submitted after this time (up to the time of the meeting) will be accepted and included in the official record of the meeting; or
- Provide live comments during the meeting virtually by registering before 5:00 p.m. on May 17 at and noting your desire to provide comments via video in the “Email Us” portion of the page along with the agenda item or issue your wish to discuss. You will be contacted by CRTPA staff and provided with a link to virtually access the meeting and provide your comment during the meeting. Speakers are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes.
The public is invited to view the meeting’s live broadcast on or Comcast Channel 13 (WCOT-13)
- Agenda Package (PDF)
- Agenda Package (BoardDocs)
- Call To Order and Roll Call
- Agenda Modifications
- Public Comment on Unagendaed Items
- Consent Agenda
- Minutes of the March 16 CRTPA Meeting
- CRTPA Staff Services Agreement
- Consent Items Pulled For Discussion
- CRTPA Action
- StarMetro Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTSAP)
This item provides a discussion on the recent development of StarMetro’s PTASP that is a federal requirement of StarMetro. Relatedly, the CRTPA is required to either support StarMetro’s safety targets or develop transit safety targets of its own.
- Draft Transportation Alternatives (TA) Project Priority List
This item seeks adoption of the draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 – FY 2027 TA Project Priority List.
- StarMetro Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTSAP)
- Florida Department Of Transportation Report
- Executive Director’s Report
- CRTPA Information
- Future Meeting Dates
- Committee Actions (Citizen’s Multimodal Advisory Committee & Technical Advisory Committee)
- CRTPA Project Updates
- Items From CRTPA Board Members