May 21, 2024 CRTPA Meeting

Event Details



Citizens wishing to provide input at the CRTPA meeting may:

  • Provide comments in person at the meeting. Speakers are requested to fill out a speaker’s card located inside Commission Chambers when they arrive at the meeting and limit their comments to three (3) minutes; or
  • Submit written comments prior to the meeting at by providing comments in the “Email Us” portion of the page before 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 20. This will allow time for comments to be provided to CRTPA members in advance of the meeting. Comments submitted after this time (up to the time of the meeting) will be accepted and included in the official record of the meeting; or
  • Provide live comments during the meeting virtually by registering before 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 20 at and noting your desire to provide comments via video in the “Email Us” portion of the page along with the agenda item or issue your wish to discuss. You will be contacted by CRTPA staff and provided with a link to virtually access the meeting and provide your comment during the meeting. Speakers are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes.

The public is invited to view the meeting’s live broadcast on or Comcast Channel 13 (WCOT-13).  

  1. Call To Order and Roll Call
  2. Agenda Modifications
  3. Public Comment on Unagendaed Items

    This portion of the agenda is provided to allow for public input on general CRTPA issues that are not included on the meeting’s agenda. Speakers are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes.

  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Minutes of the April 16, 2024, CRTPA MeetingAgenda Item
    2. FDOT 2023 Joint Certification of the CRTPAAgenda Item
    3. Unified Planning Work ProgramAgenda Item
  5. Consent Items Pulled For Discussion
  6. Roll Call Vote Agenda Items
    1. None
  7. CRTPA Action

    The public is welcome to comment on any discussion item after a motion has been made and seconded.  Each member of the public is provided three (3) minutes to address the CRTPA.

    1. CRTPA Take the Safe Route – Safe Access to School StudyAgenda Item

      This item will provide an update on efforts associated with the CRTPA’s school safety study.


    2. Public Involvement Plan (PIP) UpdateAgenda Item

      A discussion on the CRTPA’s update to the PIP will be provided.

  8. Florida Department Of Transportation Report

    A status report on FDOT activities will be provided.

  9. Executive Director’s Report

    A status report on CRTPA activities will be provided.

  10. Information
    1. Future Meeting Dates (Next Board Meeting: Monday, June 17, 2024)Agenda Item
    2. CRTPA Committee ActionsAgenda Item
  11. Items From CRTPA Board Members

    This portion of the agenda is provided to allow members an opportunity to discuss and request action on items and issues relevant to the CRTPA.

  12. Adjournment
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