
PROJECT UPDATE/US 90 Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study
The US 90 Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study was approved by the CRTPA Board…

US 90 Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study
Evaluating the feasibility of connecting Tallahassee to Monticello on US 90 through the construction of a multi-use trail was studied by the CRTPA…
Thomasville Road Multi-Use Path
As the initial pilot project for the 2019 Tallahassee-Leon County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update, the Thomasville Road corridor has been identified…
Midtown Area Transportation Plan
The Midtown Area Transportation Plan Phase II is wrapping up with the project scheduled to be presented to the CRTPA at the October 19 meeting…
Community Traffic Safety Teams (CTSTs)
Community Traffic Safety Teams (CTSTs) are comprised of local highway safety advocates committed to solving traffic safety problems. Within the CRTPA region, there are four such teams…
Midtown Area Transportation Plan DRAFT Report
The following provides links to the Midtown Area Transportation Plan DRAFT Report and Appendices: ADOPTED REPORT Appendix 1 & 2 (MetroQuest Survey & Public Involvement) Appendix 3 (Public Involvement Continued) Appendix 4 (Public Involvement...
September 16, 2019 CRTPA Agenda Material for Woodville Highway
Attached for the Woodville Highway Agenda Item are: Attachment 3 - Preliminary Engineering Report Preliminary Engineering report_Part1 Preliminary Engineering report_Part2 Preliminary Engineering report_Part3 Preliminary Engineering report_Part4 Preliminary...
Connections 2040 Regional Mobility Plan Amendment
The CRTPA is seeking input from the community on amending the Connections 2040 Regional Mobility Plan to include three projects on Interstate 10. These projects may lead to the eventual widening of Interstate 10 from 4 four lanes to six lanes in the following...
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