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Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A)

Final SS4A Report

The CRTPA Safe Streets and Roads for All Safety Action Plan was adopted by the Board on June 19, 2023.  The Safety Action Plan be found below.

Chapter 1 – Table of Contents, Acknowledgements, and Introduction

Chapter 2 – Safety Analysis

Chapter 3 – Equity Considerations

Chapter 4 – Public Engagement

Chapter 5 – Project Prioritization and Recommendations

Chapter 6 – Progress and Transparency


Public Engagement Opportunity

As a reminder the CRTPA will be hosting a virtual meeting regarding the SS4A project.  The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 6 PM.  Here is the informational flyer for the meeting and the meeting link is under the June 5, 2023 Update.

Latest Update
June 5, 2023

If you are interested in joining us for the virtual meeting on June 15, 2023 please use the link below.

CRTPA Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Virtual meeting.

June 2, 2023

Below is the Draft Final version of the CRTPA SS4A Safety Action Plan

Chapter 1 – Content, Acknowledgements, and Introduction

Chapter 2 – Safety Analysis

Chapter 3 – Equity Considerations

Chapter 4 – Public Engagement

Chapter 5 – Project Prioritization and Recommendations

Chapter 6 – Progress and Transparency

May 30, 2023

The SS4A Draft Report is currently being edited for a Final Report to be added, within the next week.

Here is additional information regarding a Public Engagement opportunity. The CRTPA will be hosting a virtual meeting on June 15, 2023 to answer any questions of comments about the SS4A Draft Report.


At the February 28, 2023 CRTPA Board meeting members adopted a resolution for a long term safety goal of zero fatalities by 2040.

Background and Project Information

The United State Department of Transportation (US DOT) release a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) in the Summer of 2022 with a purpose to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries through safety action plan development and refinement and implementation focused on all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, personal conveyance and micromobility users, and commercial vehicle operators. The program provides funding to develop the tools to help strengthen a community’s approach to roadway safety and save lives and is designed to meet the needs of diverse local, Tribal, and regional communities that differ dramatically in size, location, and experience administering Federal funding.

Below, the CRTPA has provided an outline of the US DOT program followed by the CRTPA‘s effort to address the Safe Streets and Roads For All NOFO.

US DOT Safe Streets and Roads For All Safety Action Plan

The first effort of the SS4A process is the development of a Safety Action Plan.  This plan includes the following components:

Leadership Commitment and Goal Setting

An official public commitment (e.g., resolution, policy, ordinance, etc.) by a high-ranking official and/or governing body (e.g., Mayor, City Council, Tribal Council, MPO Policy Board, etc.) to an eventual goal of zero roadway fatalities and serious injuries. The commitment must include a goal and timeline for eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries achieved through one, or both, of the following:

  1. The target date for achieving zero roadway fatalities and serious injuries, OR
  2. An ambitious percentage reduction of roadway fatalities and serious injuries by a specific date with an eventual goal of eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries.

Planning Structure

A committee, task force, implementation group, or similar body charged with oversight of the Action Plan development, implementation, and monitoring.

Safety Analysis

Analysis of existing conditions and historical trends that provides a baseline level of crashes involving fatalities and serious injuries across a jurisdiction, locality, Tribe, or region. Includes an analysis of locations where there are crashes and the severity of the crashes, as well as contributing factors and crash types by relevant road users (motorists, people walking, transit users, etc.). Analysis of systemic and specific safety needs is also performed, as needed (e.g., high-risk road features, specific safety needs of relevant road users, public health approaches, analysis of the built environment, demographic, and structural issues, etc.). To the extent practical, the analysis should include all roadways within the jurisdiction, without regard for ownership. Based on the analysis performed, a geospatial identification of higher-risk locations is developed (a High-Injury Network or equivalent).

Engagement and Collaboration

Robust engagement with the public and relevant stakeholders, including the private sector and community groups, that allows for both community representation and feedback. Information received from engagement and collaboration is analyzed and incorporated into the Action Plan. Overlapping jurisdictions are included in the process. Plans and processes are coordinated and aligned with other governmental plans and planning processes to the extent practical.

Equity Considerations

Plan development using inclusive and representative processes. Underserved communities are identified through data and other analyses in collaboration with appropriate partners. Analysis includes both population characteristics and initial equity impact assessments of the proposed projects and strategies.

An underserved community is consistent with the Office of Management and Budget’s Interim Guidance for the Justice40 Initiative and the Historically Disadvantaged Community designation, which includes U.S. Census tracts identified in this table, and any Tribal land; and or territory or possession of the United States.

Policy and Process Changes

Assessment of current policies, plans, guidelines, and/or standards (e.g., manuals) to identify opportunities to improve how processes prioritize transportation safety. The Action Plan discusses implementation through the adoption of revised or new policies, guidelines, and/or standards, as appropriate.

Strategy and Project Selections

Identification of a comprehensive set of projects and strategies, shaped by data, the best available evidence and noteworthy practices, as well as stakeholder input and equity considerations, that will address the safety problems described in the Action Plan. These strategies and countermeasures focus on a Safe System Approach, effective interventions, and consider multidisciplinary activities. To the extent practical, data limitations are identified and mitigated.

Once identified, the list of projects and strategies is prioritized in a list that provides time ranges for when the strategies and countermeasures will be deployed (e.g., short-, mid-, and long-term timeframes). The list should include specific projects and strategies, or descriptions of programs of projects and strategies, and explains prioritization criteria used. The list should contain interventions focused on infrastructure, behavioral, and/or operational safety.

Progress and Transparency

Method to measure progress over time after an Action Plan is developed or updated, including outcome data. Means to ensure ongoing transparency is established with residents and other relevant stakeholders. Must include, at a minimum, annual public and accessible reporting on progress toward reducing roadway fatalities and serious injuries, and public posting of the Action Plan online.

CRTPA Safety Action Plan

In September of 2022 the CRTPA began the development of the Safety Action Plan.  This process includes the following components:

  • The Establishment of a Task Force. The CRTPA is utilizing existing Community Traffic Safety Teams (CTSTs) from each of the four counties (Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon and Wakulla) in the Capital Region for plan development, implementation, and monitoring.  The CTSTs Traditional serve as a safety group in each county for safety issues ranging from Safe Routes to Schools, intersections, bike and pedestrian concerns, etc…
  • Data Collection and Safety Analysis. Currently, the CRTPA is developing an update to the Congestion Management Plan (CMP).  The data effort for the NOFO matches the data that will be collected from the CMP and therefore, will be the data used for the Safety Action Plan.
  • Equity Considerations. This task includes the review of geographical distribution of crashes and create a “high-risk location” GIS database that will be aggregated with the Historically Disadvantaged Communities data identified through the Justice40 initiative to determine emphasis areas.
  • Project Identification and Recommendations. Through a coordinated effort with regional transportation partners a comprehensive list of projects and strategies that address “high-risk” emphasis areas.  This includes compiling planning-level cost and implementation schedules for each identified project and develop educational guidance and recommendations for implementation based on evidence-based safety strategies that focuses on driver behavior and other elements as part of a larger policy initiative.
  • Engagement and Collaboration. The project Conduct held several engagement opportunities to collect the public’s perspective and incorporated this information into the final Safety Action Plan document. The efforts included, the City of Tallahassee’s Winter Festival, the Town of Havana Winterfest and the Tallahassee Marathon Expo.  Collectively, over 500 people provided input regarding safety issues, locations and opportunities that they saw in the community for improvements.
  • Policy and Process Changes: The Project Identification and Recommendations task also included the collection of criteria and policies for CRTPA transportation partners. This task includes a complete assessment of current policies, plans, guidelines, and/or standards to identify opportunities to improve how processes prioritize transportation safety.
  • Safety Action Plan Documentation: The previously presented tasks will be compiled into a comprehensive Safety Action Plan for use by the CRTPA and our regional transportation partners in pursuing Implementation Grants that will increase the safety of the transportation system in the four-county region.

The Safety Action Plan is expected to be finalized and adopted in June 2023. This will allow local jurisdictions who provided projects to apply for Implementation Grants in the current round of funding applications, which ends July 10, 2023.