The Latest/ The US 90 Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study was approved by the CRTPA Board at its May 17, 2022 meeting. The next phase of the project (Project Development & Environment Study) is currently underway for the Leon County segment of the project. Funding for the following phase (design) of this segment has recently been identified in the FDOT Draft Work Program (FY 2025 – FY 2029) through the Florida SUN Trails Program.
Evaluating the feasibility of connecting Tallahassee to Monticello on US 90 through the construction of a multi-use trail on existing Florida Department of Transportation right-of-way was recently studied by the CRTPA. The US 90 Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study was initiated in late 2019 and evaluated a portion of the US 90 corridor approximately 21 miles in length (from Pedrick Road in the City of Tallahassee continuing eastwards to the Monticello Bike Trail in the City of Monticello).
As a background, a multi use trail provides a paved, protected area for a variety of activities, including walking, cycling, running, and jogging that accommodates users of all ages. Such facilities are a valuable recreational asset and can also serve to safely connect communities in manner that expands mobility options and enhances safety (to learn more about trail safety, view this video developed by the State of Florida). Furthermore, regional trail facilities (as is proposed by this study), provide a positive economic impact to the region by attracting visitors and residents to use such facilities.
Currently, the corridor contains sidewalks along two portions of US 90. Specifically, in Leon County sidewalks exist from Pedrick Road east to Interstate 10 and in Jefferson County sidewalks exist from Crooked Creek Lane eastward to the project’s terminus at the Monticello Bike Trail. Additionally, on-street bicycle lanes exist on US 90 in Leon County from Pedrick Road eastward to Summit Lake Drive (just east of Interstate 10).
The US 90 Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study evaluated the feasibility of constructing a 10 to 12 foot wide multi-use trail along US 90 in a manner that takes advantage of the corridor’s natural beauty.
The following provides the project goals:
- Provide a safe, continuous multimodal facility between Tallahassee and Monticello
- Expand upon the growing SUNTrails Regional Trail Network
- Provide new alternative transportation opportunities for residents, businesses, and visitors along the US 90 corridor
- Spur economic development through expanding regional trail system to attract visitors and residents
A fact sheet providing more detailed information on the project may be found by clicking here.
Project Milestones
- Fall 2019 Study Begins
- September 14, 2020 WFSU News story on project (click here)
- September 17, 2020 Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners presentation (click here)
- October 6, 2020 project presentation to CRTPA committees
- October 19, 2020 project presentation to the CRTPA Board (view presentation)
- April 6 to May 7, 2021 Virtual Public Meeting – Summary of project comments received (as of 5/25/21)
- April 8 (5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) and April 12, 2021 (10 a.m. – 12 p.m.) Live Question & Answer Sessions associated with the virtual meeting will be conducted with the project team – Meeting transcripts: April 8 & April 12
- November 2 & 16, 2021 scheduled project update to CRTPA Committees (CMAC & TAC) and Board. Presentation to include information on the project’s draft Existing Conditions Report.
- January/February/March 2022 next round of public meetings to present refined trail alignment options based on data collection, stakeholder input, and public feedback received. Dates/Locations:
- Live Question & Answer Sessions beginning at 6 p.m. (conducted virtually with the project team): Thursday, January 13 (meeting transcript) & Tuesday, February 1 (meeting transcript)
- NEW DATE: Jefferson County Open House (In-Person) – February 22 (5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) at Jefferson County Courthouse Annex (435 Walnut Street, Monticello) (meeting comments)
- NEW DATE: Leon County Open House (In-Person) – March 1 (5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) at Tallahassee Eastside Branch Library (1583 Pedrick Road, Tallahassee) (meeting comments)
- April 2022 draft feasibility report developed for the US 90 study
- Project Comments Summary received as of May 16, 2022
- May 3 & 17, 2022 study scheduled to be presented to the CRTPA Committees (CMAC & TAC) and Board.
- May 17, 2022 US 90 Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Trail Study approved by CRTPA. View Final Feasibility Report
- Next Steps/ The next phase of the project (Project Development & Environment (PD&E) Study) is currently underway within Leon County. This phase provides a comprehensive study that evaluates social, cultural, economic and environmental effects associated with the proposed transportation improvements. Funding for the following Leon County phase after the PD&E Study (design) was recently placed on the project in FY 2029. This funding was identified obtained through the SUN Trails program.
For more information on this project, please contact Greg Burke at