November 23, 2020 CRTPA Meeting

Event Details

*NOTE: The CRTPA meeting will begin immediately after the CRTPA Connections 2045 Regional Mobility Plan Public Hearing scheduled to begin at 1:30 PM.  The meetings will be conducted in person with limited seating available for the public.

Citizens wishing to provide input at the public hearing or CRTPA meeting may:

  • Provide comments in person at the meeting. Speakers are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes; or
  • Submit written comments prior to the meeting at by providing comments in the “Email Us” portion of the page before 9:00 p.m. on November 20. This will allow time for comments to be provided to CRTPA members in advance of the meeting. Comments submitted after this time (up to the time of the meeting) will be accepted and included in the official record of the meeting; or
  • Provide live comments during the meeting via video conference by registering before 5:00 p.m. on November 20 at and noting your desire to provide comments via video in the “Email Us” portion of the page along with the agenda item or issue your wish to discuss. You will be contacted by CRTPA staff and provided with a link to virtually access the meeting and provide your comment during the meeting. Speakers are requested to limit their comments to three (3) minutes.

Additionally, those wishing to view the meeting may do so by watching the live broadcast on Comcast Channel 13 (WCOT-13) or the livestream available from the City’s website:

  • RMP Public Hearing Agenda Package (PDF) - hearing begins at 1:30 pmView Item
  • Regular CRTPA Meeting Agenda Package (PDF) - begins after RMP Hearing View Item
  • Agenda Package (BoardDocs)View Item
  1. Call To Order and Roll Call
  2. Agenda Modifications
  3. Public Comment on Unagendaed Items
    1. Agenda Item
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Minutes of the October 19 MeetingAgenda Item
    2. SU Funding Project UpdateAgenda Item
    3. CRTPA 2021 CalendarAgenda Item
    4. CRTPA Mask Requirement ResolutionAgenda Item
    5. FY 2020/21 - 2021/22 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) ModificationAgenda Item
  5. Consent Items Pulled For Discussion
  6. Roll Call Vote Agenda Items
    1. Fiscal Year (FY) 2021– FY 2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments Agenda Item
  7. CRTPA Action
    1. CRTPA Annual Audit - FY 2019 CRTPA Financial StatementsAgenda Item

      This item provides information related to the Annual Single Audit Report and will include a presentation from James Moore and Company related to the findings.  Presentation

    2. Election of Chair/Vice ChairAgenda Item

      Annually, CRTPA member elect a new Chair and Vice Chair to serve for the upcoming calendar year.  Currently, Commissioner Randy Merritt and Commissioner Jeremy Matlow hold the CRTPA Chair and Vice Chair positions, respectively.

  8. Florida Department Of Transportation Report
  9. Executive Director’s Report
  10. Public Comment on Unagendaed Items
    1. CorrespondenceAgenda Item
    2. Future Meeting Dates for 2020Agenda Item
    3. Committee ActionsAgenda Item
  11. Items From CRTPA Board Members
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